How To Print Register Value In Assembly
How to print register value on screen?
I demand to print annals value on screen for debug purpose. Because there is
debug program which can debug assembler in the ROM carte du jour.
Does anyone tin can testify me some sample codes?
Thank a lot.
How to print register value on screen?
> I need to print register value on screen for debug purpose. Because
there is
> no
> debug plan which can debug assembler in the ROM carte du jour.
> Does anyone can show me some sample codes?
I use this:
;Procedure: PrintReg
;Purpose: Displays the contents of a register.
; Displays data at electric current cursor location
;Input: EAX Register to print
; CL Length of output (eight for total EAX, iv for AX, 2 for
;Output: Data written to screen using Stdout
;Processing: Move crumb into output annals, display it, loop til
printreg proc
push cx
push button dx
push cx
xor ch, ch
mov dx, 8
sub dx, cx
mov cx, dx
shl cx, 2 ; multply by 4 for shift#
rol eax, cl
popular cx
rol eax,iv ;impress next character
mov dl,al ;
and dl,0fh ;strip out upper 4 $.25
call display_hex_char
loop nextchar
pop dx
pop cx
printreg endp
;Procedure: Display_hex_char
;Purpose: Displays the hex value in DL equally ASCII
; Displays data at current cursor location
;Input: DL = hex value to print
;Output: Data printed to screen using Stdout
;Processing: add xxx or 37 to character, brandish to screen using int 10
display_hex_char proc
push dx
add dl,30h
cmp dl,3ah
jb charok
add dl,7
push ax
button bx
push button cx
mov ah,2
int 21h
pop cx
popular bx
pop ax
pop dx
display_hex_char endp
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How To Print Register Value In Assembly,
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