In What Register Will The Remainder Of The Following Instruction Be Found? Div Ebx
Associates - Arithmetic Instructions
The INC Instruction
The INC didactics is used for incrementing an operand by one. It works on a single operand that tin exist either in a register or in retentivity.
The INC instruction has the following syntax −
INC destination
The operand destination could be an eight-fleck, 16-chip or 32-bit operand.
INC EBX ; Increments 32-flake annals INC DL ; Increments 8-flake annals INC [count] ; Increments the count variable
The Dec Teaching
The DEC instruction is used for decrementing an operand by ane. Information technology works on a single operand that can be either in a annals or in memory.
The Dec instruction has the following syntax −
DEC destination
The operand destination could be an eight-scrap, 16-bit or 32-chip operand.
segment .information count dw 0 value db fifteen segment .text inc [count] dec [value] mov ebx, count inc discussion [ebx] mov esi, value december byte [esi]
The Add and SUB Instructions
The Add together and SUB instructions are used for performing simple addition/subtraction of binary information in byte, discussion and doubleword size, i.e., for adding or subtracting 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-fleck operands, respectively.
The Add together and SUB instructions have the following syntax −
Add together/SUB destination, source
The Add/SUB instruction tin accept identify between −
- Register to register
- Memory to register
- Annals to memory
- Register to constant data
- Memory to constant information
However, like other instructions, memory-to-retentivity operations are not possible using ADD/SUB instructions. An ADD or SUB operation sets or clears the overflow and conduct flags.
The following example will enquire 2 digits from the user, store the digits in the EAX and EBX register, respectively, add the values, store the result in a memory location 'res' and finally display the outcome.
SYS_EXIT equ 1 SYS_READ equ three SYS_WRITE equ 4 STDIN equ 0 STDOUT equ 1 segment .data msg1 db "Enter a digit ", 0xA,0xD len1 equ $- msg1 msg2 db "Delight enter a 2nd digit", 0xA,0xD len2 equ $- msg2 msg3 db "The sum is: " len3 equ $- msg3 segment .bss num1 resb 2 num2 resb 2 res resb 1 section .text global _start ;must be alleged for using gcc _start: ;tell linker entry point mov eax, SYS_WRITE mov ebx, STDOUT mov ecx, msg1 mov edx, len1 int 0x80 mov eax, SYS_READ mov ebx, STDIN mov ecx, num1 mov edx, 2 int 0x80 mov eax, SYS_WRITE mov ebx, STDOUT mov ecx, msg2 mov edx, len2 int 0x80 mov eax, SYS_READ mov ebx, STDIN mov ecx, num2 mov edx, 2 int 0x80 mov eax, SYS_WRITE mov ebx, STDOUT mov ecx, msg3 mov edx, len3 int 0x80 ; moving the first number to eax annals and second number to ebx ; and subtracting ascii '0' to catechumen information technology into a decimal number mov eax, [num1] sub eax, '0' mov ebx, [num2] sub ebx, '0' ; add eax and ebx add eax, ebx ; add together '0' to to catechumen the sum from decimal to ASCII add together eax, '0' ; storing the sum in memory location res mov [res], eax ; print the sum mov eax, SYS_WRITE mov ebx, STDOUT mov ecx, res mov edx, one int 0x80 go out: mov eax, SYS_EXIT xor ebx, ebx int 0x80
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
Enter a digit: three Delight enter a second digit: iv The sum is: 7
The program with hardcoded variables −
section .text global _start ;must be declared for using gcc _start: ;tell linker entry betoken mov eax,'3' sub eax, '0' mov ebx, '4' sub ebx, '0' add eax, ebx add eax, '0' mov [sum], eax mov ecx,msg mov edx, len mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout) mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write) int 0x80 ;call kernel mov ecx,sum mov edx, 1 mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout) mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write) int 0x80 ;call kernel mov eax,1 ;system call number (sys_exit) int 0x80 ;telephone call kernel section .data msg db "The sum is:", 0xA,0xD len equ $ - msg segment .bss sum resb 1
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
The sum is: seven
The MUL/IMUL Education
There are two instructions for multiplying binary data. The MUL (Multiply) education handles unsigned data and the IMUL (Integer Multiply) handles signed data. Both instructions affect the Bear and Overflow flag.
The syntax for the MUL/IMUL instructions is as follows −
MUL/IMUL multiplier
Multiplicand in both cases volition be in an accumulator, depending upon the size of the multiplicand and the multiplier and the generated product is also stored in two registers depending upon the size of the operands. Post-obit section explains MUL instructions with three unlike cases −
Sr.No. | Scenarios |
1 | When two bytes are multiplied − The multiplicand is in the AL annals, and the multiplier is a byte in the retentivity or in some other annals. The product is in AX. High-order eight bits of the product is stored in AH and the depression-club 8 $.25 are stored in AL. |
ii | When two one-word values are multiplied − The multiplicand should exist in the AX register, and the multiplier is a word in memory or another register. For example, for an instruction like MUL DX, you must store the multiplier in DX and the multiplicand in AX. The resultant production is a doubleword, which will demand ii registers. The high-order (leftmost) portion gets stored in DX and the lower-order (rightmost) portion gets stored in AX. |
3 | When two doubleword values are multiplied − When two doubleword values are multiplied, the multiplicand should be in EAX and the multiplier is a doubleword value stored in retentiveness or in another annals. The product generated is stored in the EDX:EAX registers, i.eastward., the high lodge 32 bits gets stored in the EDX register and the depression order 32-bits are stored in the EAX register. |
MOV AL, 10 MOV DL, 25 MUL DL ... MOV DL, 0FFH ; DL= -1 MOV AL, 0BEH ; AL = -66 IMUL DL
The following example multiplies 3 with ii, and displays the issue −
section .text global _start ;must be declared for using gcc _start: ;tell linker entry point mov al,'three' sub al, '0' mov bl, '2' sub bl, '0' mul bl add al, '0' mov [res], al mov ecx,msg mov edx, len mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout) mov eax,4 ;organisation call number (sys_write) int 0x80 ;call kernel mov ecx,res mov edx, one mov ebx,ane ;file descriptor (stdout) mov eax,four ;system phone call number (sys_write) int 0x80 ;phone call kernel mov eax,1 ;organisation call number (sys_exit) int 0x80 ;call kernel department .data msg db "The result is:", 0xA,0xD len equ $- msg segment .bss res resb ane
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
The result is: 6
The DIV/IDIV Instructions
The division operation generates two elements - a quotient and a remainder. In case of multiplication, overflow does not occur because double-length registers are used to continue the product. However, in case of division, overflow may occur. The processor generates an interrupt if overflow occurs.
The DIV (Split up) instruction is used for unsigned data and the IDIV (Integer Divide) is used for signed data.
The format for the DIV/IDIV didactics −
DIV/IDIV divisor
The dividend is in an accumulator. Both the instructions tin work with 8-scrap, xvi-bit or 32-bit operands. The functioning affects all six status flags. Following section explains three cases of partitioning with dissimilar operand size −
Sr.No. | Scenarios |
ane | When the divisor is 1 byte − The dividend is assumed to exist in the AX annals (sixteen bits). After sectionalisation, the quotient goes to the AL annals and the residue goes to the AH register. |
2 | When the divisor is 1 word − The dividend is assumed to exist 32 bits long and in the DX:AX registers. The high-order 16 bits are in DX and the low-society 16 bits are in AX. Later division, the 16-bit quotient goes to the AX annals and the 16-bit remainder goes to the DX annals. |
3 | When the divisor is doubleword − The dividend is assumed to be 64 $.25 long and in the EDX:EAX registers. The high-social club 32 bits are in EDX and the low-order 32 bits are in EAX. Later division, the 32-bit caliber goes to the EAX annals and the 32-bit remainder goes to the EDX register. |
The following case divides 8 with 2. The dividend viii is stored in the 16-scrap AX register and the divisor ii is stored in the 8-flake BL annals.
section .text global _start ;must exist alleged for using gcc _start: ;tell linker entry signal mov ax,'viii' sub ax, '0' mov bl, '2' sub bl, '0' div bl add ax, '0' mov [res], ax mov ecx,msg mov edx, len mov ebx,i ;file descriptor (stdout) mov eax,4 ;organization call number (sys_write) int 0x80 ;call kernel mov ecx,res mov edx, i mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout) mov eax,4 ;organization telephone call number (sys_write) int 0x80 ;phone call kernel mov eax,ane ;arrangement phone call number (sys_exit) int 0x80 ;call kernel section .data msg db "The issue is:", 0xA,0xD len equ $- msg segment .bss res resb 1
When the above code is compiled and executed, information technology produces the following issue −
The result is: four
In What Register Will The Remainder Of The Following Instruction Be Found? Div Ebx,
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